Why Is This Muslim Allowed In?

“Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on.” Trump Press Release 12-7-15

London’s newly elected mayor Sadiq Khan is muslim.

“There will always be exceptions.” says Trump

I am confused:

  • Why would we make this exception?
  • Who makes the decision to allow this one person?
  • Didn’t he say a complete and total shutdown?
    • I missed the part of the press release by Trump on Trump’s website  that said “we should be more stringent on everyone that is entering the US and evaluate them on a case by case basis.”

First of all I think it is wrong and horrible that Donald Trump would advocate segregating a group of people based on their religious beliefs. Second after he said it, I was appalled how many people are okay with his statement. Does that not go against the values of our country?

I also appalled that Donald Trump would make an exception, why does he get to make the exception, shouldn’t there me specific guidelines to follow, or a committee. Did he not think the entire process thru other than making a polarizing remark?

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